Ekonomija pozitivno, štirje predmeti narejeni, enega še čakam, en izpit še jutri in sem opravila s prvim semestrom. Ker me čakata še dva tedna počitnic (no močno upam, da mi uspe narediti tudi te dva predmeta) ali pa vsaj kakšen teden, moram najti nekaj s čimer bom zapolnila prosti čas. Prvo na seznamu je branje knjige Hunger games: Catching fire, ki jo berem že približno dva meseca, drugo pa filmi! Pogledati moram cel kup filmov, ki jih še nisem (in ne takšnih, ki sem jih že šestkrat in jih znam že na pamet). Tako da vas puščam s seznamom filmov, ki me čakajo:
- Beneška kurtizana
- Ana Karenina
- The Great Gatsby
- Pride and Prejudice
- Stuck in love
- The Perks of Being a Wallflower
- Oz the Great and Powerful
- Frozen
- Vse Harrye Potterje (še razmišljam, če bi jih pogledala..)
- About time
- ...
No ti so zaenkrat na mojem seznamu, ki se še dopolnjuje, če imate še kakšen predlog se priporočam. Mogoče mi uspe pogledati še 4. in 5. sezono Castla, naprej pa bom gledala še Modern family. Priporočam, Sofia Vergara je odlična!
sreda, 29. januar 2014
ponedeljek, 27. januar 2014
C'est la vie - 100 objava!
Trije izpiti mimo, en narejen, en me še čaka in močno upam, da bo res zadnji. Poleg tega sem danes izvedela še fascinantno novico, da me v naslednjem semestru čakata le dva izpita, bo pa zato toliko več seminarskih nalog, predstavitev in podobnega. Pa dovolj o faksu, saj imamo počitnice, sicer študijske, ampak vseeno še vedno bolje kot nič.
Uganete kaj je danes??? 100 objava na mojem blogu! Blogati sem začela pred skoraj dvema letoma in ne morem verjeti, da danes pišem že svojo stoto objavo. Najboljši del pa je, da imam tudi na Facebooku točno 100 spremljevalcev. Želim se zahvaliti vsem, ki redno spremljate moj blog in mi dneve lepšate s svojimi čudovitimi komentarji. Brez vas sigurno ne bi prišla tako daleč.
And remember:
Uganete kaj je danes??? 100 objava na mojem blogu! Blogati sem začela pred skoraj dvema letoma in ne morem verjeti, da danes pišem že svojo stoto objavo. Najboljši del pa je, da imam tudi na Facebooku točno 100 spremljevalcev. Želim se zahvaliti vsem, ki redno spremljate moj blog in mi dneve lepšate s svojimi čudovitimi komentarji. Brez vas sigurno ne bi prišla tako daleč.
And remember:
torek, 21. januar 2014
Dream it. Wish it. Do it.
Odločila sem se, da bo letos moje leto čim bolj pustolovsko in adventuristično ter čim bolj zabavno! Ker pa od učenja (ogabne) ekonomije že stekleno gledam in si želim samo še tuša in tople postelje vas pustim s slikami. :)
Done. :D
Done. :D
ponedeljek, 20. januar 2014
Slovenian bloggers 13. - 19. 1. 2014
Want to know what Slovenian Bloggers were up to?
Ajda Tjaša - Welcome to our blog.
Tanita Weith - Sales time.
Pretty Purple - Essie Blanc.
Gin Shivers - 6 different hair chalks and a Girl on fire hair.
Vilinesa - L`Oreal Nude Magique BB Cream - review.
N. Purcell - Liebster nomination.
Marcela - Crazy people.
Mateji ustvarjata - Babbling #12.
Beauty of a Lemon - L`Oreal Mythic oil - review.
Viva la vida - That awesome ring.
Kvačka, raj za dušo - violet chrochet top.
Adjusting Beauty - soft pink makeup.
Sabina - recipe for a healty snack.
UnlimitedLifePlan - first results are visible.
Katarina A. - reunited with her old love.
Failed Beautification - prom outfit ideas.
Deja Zu - Harry Potter Hogwarts makeup series - ravenclaw.
Pink Diamond - nail care routine.
Taya - winter inspired makeup.
C`est la vie - studying for midterms.
Lucija`s Blog - mini beauty haul.
Lollistick - First 3 days as an Erasmus student.
Maja Ena - water your body.
Beauty of a Lemon - L`Oreal Mythic oil - review.
Viva la vida - That awesome ring.
Kvačka, raj za dušo - violet chrochet top.
Adjusting Beauty - soft pink makeup.
Sabina - recipe for a healty snack.
UnlimitedLifePlan - first results are visible.
Katarina A. - reunited with her old love.
Failed Beautification - prom outfit ideas.
Deja Zu - Harry Potter Hogwarts makeup series - ravenclaw.
Pink Diamond - nail care routine.
Taya - winter inspired makeup.
C`est la vie - studying for midterms.
Lucija`s Blog - mini beauty haul.
Lollistick - First 3 days as an Erasmus student.
Maja Ena - water your body.
nedelja, 19. januar 2014
Liebster Award: 2014 Edition
Hello everybody!
Blogerka iz UnlimitedLifePlan me je nominirala za Libster Award: 2014 Edition. Najprej najlepša hvala za nominacijo in se res opravičujem, ker nisem že prej napisala objave, vendar je trenutno obdobje izpitov, ob enem pa me čaka še cel kup drugih stvari, tako da je malo trajalo. Odgovarjala bom v angleščini in že vnaprej se opravičujem za napake.
Blogerka iz UnlimitedLifePlan me je nominirala za Libster Award: 2014 Edition. Najprej najlepša hvala za nominacijo in se res opravičujem, ker nisem že prej napisala objave, vendar je trenutno obdobje izpitov, ob enem pa me čaka še cel kup drugih stvari, tako da je malo trajalo. Odgovarjala bom v angleščini in že vnaprej se opravičujem za napake.
The rules for the Liebster Award:
- Thank the person who nominated you and link back up to their blog
- State 11 facts about yourself
- Answer the 11 questions given to you by the nominator
- Nominate 11 other bloggers fot this award who have less than 200 followers
- Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer
- Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them.
First of all 11 facts about me:
1. I study journalism here in Slovenia, because being a journalist is my biggest wish.
2. I'm almost 20 and still single, maybe beacuse I'm stiil waiting for the right guy to come.
3. I don't have any house animals, but I always wanted to have a hamster. I have a younger brother, does this count? :D
4. I have a huge crazy family, which I totally love, but sometimes they can be to protective, and pushy especially if they start to talk about my love life.
5. One day I want to live on a seaside here in Slovenia, beacuse I'm in love with our Slovenia coast, especially with Piran.
6. I have a tattoo on my left hand, and this year I'll probably get another.
7. My best friend is a girl who I known for about 13 years. We met at seaside and we had been friends since then.
8. In my free time I read books (right now I'm reading Hunger games: Catching fire), meet with friends, I sing in choir, write blog and also write for a our local paper.
9. I'm a little weird, but I like that beacuse being normal is boring. :))
10. I decided that this year I want to learn how to surf, maybe even go parachute jump, I want to learn Italien language, all in all I want to do the most craziest things you can imagine.
11. Two months ago I cut about 30 cm of my hair and I can say this was the best descision I made.
1. Why are you writing a blog?
I am writing this blog for about two years now. I started beacuse I wanted to improve my writing skills, beacuse as I said I alaways wanted to be a journalist.
2 .What do you thing about healthy eating and regular recreation?
Hm.. About three years ago I gained a lot of weight so I started with regular exercises and healty food. But since last year I don't do anything of that anymore. I eat everything and I don't exercise. But next school year I'm planning to start exercising more regulary, and in the summer time I will try to cycle and maybe jogging.
3. If you had won the lottery 250.000€, what would you do with money?
I would give part of money for charity, buy my own apartment near the seaside or in the centre of Ljubljana, and the rest I would spent for an amazing journey in Eat, pray, love style. :D
4. What is your dream job?
My dream job is journalist. Since last years of elementary school I want to be a journalist. I don't know yet in which proffesion, but defenitely not in politics.
5. How to deal with criticism from nearby and strangers? Treat both the same or not?
I try to deal calm but it's not so easy. I think it's harder to deal with criticism from people that are near to you. But critics can be also good, beacuse we're learning on our mistakes, aren't we? But I try not to care what people think about me.
6. What are your feeling when you get a positive comment on the blog? You're happy of this or you think that's nothing special?
I'm very happy when I get a positive comment on the blog, I am happy because positive comment means that I wrote something good, and people like to read my blog.
7.If you have unlimited money and 1 month time - where you are and what you are doing?
I hope this happen in December, because I would take my father and we would go to Australia and celebrate New year's eve in Melbourne or Sydney wearing just shorts and T-shirts. This is our biggest wish.
8.Do you believe in astrology, numerology and these sciences?
I read horoscopes but I don't believe in these sciences, even though my horoscope totally describes me. :))
9.List the 5 read books, which you like the most.
1. This Heart of Mine- Susan Elizabeth Phillips
2. Crime and Punishment- Dostojevski
3. Princess diaries- Meg Cabot ( can help it, but this books are beyond awesome)
4. The lost duke of Wyndham- Julia Queen
10. Why do you think women put so much time and money for cosmetics, clothing, editing etc? For you - this seem reasonable or do you think we spend to much time for this stuff?
I think we always want to look the best version of ourselves, but I think it is quite irreasponsable to spend a lot of money on this stuff. People who like us, don't care if we have the most expensive and the most prestigious things. I like nice clothes, and I love fashion, but for cosmetics I don't spend a lot of money. I use only mascara and eyeliner.
11.Do you watch any of the youtube channel? Which are the best for you?
Yes I do, my favourite is defenitely Jenna Marbels.
I nominate this 11 bloggers:
My Questions:
1. Describe yourself in one sentence.
2. What is your favourite music?
3. What is your favourite food?
4. Where would you be in this very moment, if you had unlimited money and time?
5. Which are your favourite movies? (name 3)
6. What scares you the most?
7. What you really don't like?
8. What are your biggest dreams?
9. Do you want to get marry and have kids one day or you more like a careerist?
10. Your favourite city or destination in the world?
11. If you had to choose one supernatural power, what would you choose?
sreda, 15. januar 2014
Izpitno obdobje!
Še dva dni faksa in začne se težko pričakovano (not) izpitno obdobje. Kar pomeni pižama, spanje do desetih, učenje do dveh zjutraj. :) Sicer po naravi nisem optimist, ampak še vedno upam, da mi vse uspe narediti v prvem roku, ker to potem pomeni dva tedna počitnic. Mi bo uspelo? Ne vem, se bom pa potrudila. Držite pesti. :D
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